Proton-Electrotex begins implementing IRIS

2 April 2014

Dear colleagues! 

Proton-Electrotex started working on development, implementation and certification of business management system according to IRIS international standard.

IRIS (International Railway Industry Standard) complements the internationally recognized ISO 9001 quality standard introducing rail specific requirements. IRIS is modelled on similar quality standards already in place in the aerospace, and automotive industries and it aims at the avoidance of multiple business management system auditing and therefore increased cost efficiency. Objectivity and transparency are guaranteed by only using approved and independent certification bodies, known and recognized in the industry.

The IRIS certificate will replace individual management system evaluations by at least the four founders of this initiative (Alstom Transport, AnsaldoBreda, Siemens Transportation Systems and Bombardier Transportation).

Planned date of implementation – January 2015.



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