Section «Event Calendar» was updated

26 January 2023

We are glad to inform that section «Event Calendar» was updated at the official website of our company.

Now you can find information about exhibitions or events with Proton-Electrotex or with our official representatives and schedule a meeting with us.

Page is updated regularly.

If you have some questions, please contact us by email:

About Proton-Electrotex, JSC: 

Proton-Electrotex is the Russian leader in designing and manufacturing power semiconductors including diodesthyristors and IGBT modules as well as heatsinks, voltage suppressors, resistors and measurement equipment. The company is located in Orel city and ships its products through its partners and distributors all over the world. Please visit website for more details about Proton-Electrotex and its offer of products and services. 

For further information please contact: 

Press contact at Proton-Electrotex 

Tel.: +7 (4862) 44-04-56 




住所: 〒302040、ロシア、オリョール州、オリョール市、Leskova str., 19, 27, 14号室
